Friday, 25 May 2007

update on the river

We can now update you on what we found in the part of the Hautapu River behind our school and our founding where not very go. For what we test most of them where poor .we tested for

1. clarity
2. habitat
3. algae

Friday, 11 May 2007

!!first meeting!!

Today we had our frist meeting for the river clean up.
We where talking about what we need to do and who we need to talk to about the on going
problem with the river.
We are goingn to try and put samething inn the news paper about it to tell the people how bad it is.

Friday, 4 May 2007

We just finshed looking at the river

We have just finshed looking at the river and to my discussed the river was in a very bad state and we are going to try asnd change it.
we found:

  1. petrol

  2. rubish

  3. pipes

  4. dead animals and alot more

If you have any thing that we can do pleace write to me.

personal goals

my personal goal is to make a start on the river and see if we can make the the river a better place.


Today we are going down to the river to look at the water and see what the water looks like.

We are going to ask around and see who put there rubbish in the river and then we and take it to the council and try and stop it.