We have just finshed looking at the river and to my discussed the river was in a very bad state and we are going to try asnd change it.
we found:
- petrol
- rubish
- pipes
- dead animals and alot more
If you have any thing that we can do pleace write to me.
Hi Cassie,
My name is Jane Gabielson, and I am your teacher's American mom (or as you like to say, "mum"). Ms. Hansen lived with us in 1994--1995. She was in high school then just like you now. I live in Orlando, Florida in the US.
I have a couple of ideas for you in regards to your river project.Near Orlando is the St. John's River. It is only one of 3 rivers in the world that flow from south to north. I know one of the others, but I don't know the 3rd. Maybe you can research that and let me know. Every year there is a big clean-up project for the Weikiva Springs where a lot of people go canoeing and swimming. People take canoes into the springs with big trash bags and collect a lot of aluminum cans and other garbage. Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, church youth groups and many other people help with the clean-up. Maybe you could organize something like that for a Saturday in the spring or summer. Of course, you probably dont' have to worry about the alligators in the water!!
Our big grocery store chain, Publix, has a recycling program for plastic bags, paper bags and styrofoam containers(the type that meat and vegeatables are packaged in). The stores have bins that are marked outside the entrance so that you can return your used items. I'm not sure what happens after that, but if you're interested, I'll see if I can find out. The home office of Publix is in Lakeland, Florida. I'm sure that they have a website.
Little things that you do to improve your space in the world make the whole world a better place for all of us. Thanks for your thoughtfulness in helping. Someday I hope that my husband, Scott and I can visit NZ. I've heard that it's the most beautiful country in the world!!
Jane G.
Hi Cassie
I am a friend of your teacher and I chose to write to you because my surname is Taylor also!!
I love your class plan of cleaning up the river and posting progress on your blogsite.
I look forward to seeing the progress.
I grew up in Opotiki, have also lived in Auckland, Reporoa, Kaitaia, London & Meribel (France). I now live in Lyall Bay in Wellington in a superb house with my sister Amber, two flatmates Miriam & Ema and my 8 month old cocker spaniel puppy Zigzag.
I am writing this from work in Wellington on Sunday afternoon with Zigzag asleep on the floor behind me.
Hi there Cassie
My name is Ros Coltman. I am a teacher at a small school outside East London in South Africa. I teach year 1 - year 7 at my school in computer literacy. Our village - Gonubie - is a small coastal village about 15 mins north of East London. It has a sub tropical climate and this means that our summers and winters are reasonably warm. We wear short sleeves most of the year with only one or two weeks being cold enough to wear jerseys and jackets. Our school day begins at 07;30 and the academic day is finished by 13:30. We then have compulsory sports after this until about 16:30.
I was interested to hear about your river project. We also have problems with pollution of our rivers. What seems to work here is to eradicate all alien invader plants on the river banks and replant with indigenous vegetation. This helps with unwanted run off. However, it is only by going to the communities that live along the river, and starting cleanup campaigns that the people intitiated pollution can be combatted.
Good luck. let me know what happens. In case you are interested, this is the link to our school's website. www.gonubieprimary.co.za
Ros Coltman
Hello Cassie,
My name is Kimberley Wade and I live in England in a town called Leamington Spa. Leamington Spa is in the centre of the United Kingdom; about as far away from the ocean as you can possibly get. We do have lots of rivers, however, and because rivers are the only form of water near my house, I think it's especially important to look after it. One thing you might consider doing, is trying to make people in your town feel like they own the river. When people own something, they look after it. So, if you can make people feel like the river is their's and they have some responsibility for looking after it and making sure that rubbish doesn't get put in it, then you might end up with a cleaner river.
Good luck with your blog project and say "Hello!" to Miss Hansen for me.
Hi Cassie
My name is Pauline and I met your teacher just before Easter in Auckland. I live in Emerald in the Dandenong Ranges just outside Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I am a teacher in a school with 15,000 students in a place called Berwick South.
It's a great idea to clean up the river. Just be glad you have water in your river! Victoria is in the grip of a seven year drought [some people think it's a nine year drought]. We have had below average rainfalls for many years and the whole state is on strict water restrictions. Most people put a bucket in their shower to catch the water you use when the taps are first running - while you are getting the water to the right temperature. This water then goes on the garden. Many have given up on their lawns and just let them die. You are very lucky that New Zealand is such a clean, green country. Congratulations to you and the class for making an effort to keep it that way.
Best wishes
Good words.
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